Battle of the sexes is not a new thing. There is a never-ending war between man and woman but one such fight that catches my attention is – who is the better driver? And I am glad that this battle is won by women which is furthermore proved by a research too but gender differences in driving remains a debatable issue. Though this study is on a global level, yet I want to highlight some of my observations that I come across while driving in our very own Pune city!
Confused Souls
Women: Yes, they are amazingly safe drivers but they easily get confused. Moreover, if you start honking which men love doing to women drivers, then rest assured they will definitely start panicking. In chaotic situation like this, they even forget to change lane or give proper signals. Most of the times, they freak out too an extent, thus botching up the entire driving experience.
Men: However, men are generally not confused at all. If they don’t want to give you a side, they will not; despite being in the overtaking lane. They are not confused but just a little stubborn! Moreover, they will emote their frustration with angry looks or swearing.
So, confusion definitely plays a spoilsport while we talk about gender differences in driving.
No Respect For Rules
Women: Women are extremely diligent when it comes to traffic rules. They do not jump signals, do not talk on the phone but they love jumping lanes. Not just this, they also fail to give proper signals while stopping, checking, etc. Also, on highways they love blocking the overtaking lane!
Men: And what do I say about men? They are champions in breaking all rules. If you wait at the signal, they honk. If you don’t give them side owing to traffic, they’ll jump lanes like crazy. They love talking on the phone while driving. Men are an all-rounder when it comes to breaking traffic signals. They overpower women in all the above-mentioned factors thus establishing the gender differences in driving.
Vengeful Driving
Women: ‘Shant aur sushil’ (calm and gentle) go hand-in-hand when a woman drives. You overtake her, don’t give her side, she will surely not be that vengeful unlike male drivers.
Men: But men are the most vengeful drivers I have ever come across. You overtake them, they will chase you till the end. If you don’t give them side in traffic, they will honk voraciously making you feel miserable. Lately, I’ve had my share of experience of vengeful driving. I overtook a cab driver and I have no idea, what drove him mad? Whenever, my car came close to his, he would honk repeatedly. I gave him side and the overtaking lane was empty! BUT MEN WILL BE MEN!
Poor Judgement
Women: Women definitely lack judgment while driving. Although, there’s space on the road, they will have second thoughts, whether to adjust or no! And I can totally relate to this situation because I am horrible when it comes to parking my vehicle. Most of the times, I miss parking lot because I can’t park in crammed spaces or my vehicle is parked crooked.
Men: However, hats off to men for their judgement skills. They are extremely confident while parking or adjusting the vehicle. My husband is literally my valet, thus a salient example of gender differences in driving.
Well, these are completely my generic views. I have seen so many men and women who drive amazingly outweighing these gender differences in driving. Well, have you ever come across experiences like these? Feel free to share!
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