It was a year back, I started working with my friend at her 5O’sense wellness clinic and med spa. Thanks to her obesity management program, I could get on board to help her. Furthermore, we planned marketing strategy and started implementing it. I started updating her Facebook page and she started conducting meetings for tie-ups. Her MED spa was already a huge hit in the adjoining areas so everyday we had an amazing response. Amidst this, we came across some really funny clients who had really weird expectations from a spa treatment. Not just expectations, but the enquiries too were just out of the world. When it comes to spa, people have some weird expectations, read on to unfold what they were.
Body To Body Massage
A lot of people have misconceptions about a spa. They feel that a spa is equivalent to a massage parlour where they will be cross massage (female therapist giving massage to male client). So, in a day we have abundant enquiries for the same. But one fine day, we had the weirdest enquiry and it was for body to body massage. I quipped the client about what is he talking all about and he said nothing and hung up. I was shocked to the core about these funny expectations from a spa treatment.
Happy Endings
So, one afternoon, our office phone started ringing and we had a very innocent caller on the other line enquiring about the therapies. He enquired about all massage therapies along with panchakarma. I was about to book his appointment, he quips – “what extra services are you going to give?” We furthermore elaborated about the packages we can offer and then he points out and stresses – “I am asking about ‘after therapy service’, you know happy endings”? We were blank, but cross questioned him to be specific. He further added, “a service that will make you and me both happy and yes, I am ready to pay whatever you demand!” I hung up, but before doing so, I bashed him left, right centre for making such a vile demand. After speaking to our therapist, I realised that it was one of the most regular expectations from a spa treatment.
Fight Over Cross Massage
Being a family wellness clinic, we at 5O’sense choose to not opt for cross massage and that’s our absolute policy. But we get a dozen calls enquiring for cross massage. A lot of times, clients walk-in, agrees and on the massage table, walk out – complaining that you don’t have cross massage. Our past clients too have nagged multiple times about not having cross massage. Despite our absolute policy, they try and explain about the benefits of cross massage and how a male client can please a female client and vice versa.
Pressure Issues
A lot of patients come with an agenda in mind – bahot pressure dalo (exert intense pressure while massage). They don’t really understand sometimes, that intense pressure might cause body pain. It’s not about intense body pressure all the time, but some people wish for very less pressure and keep yelling that it’s painful. In such situations, I really feel sad for our therapist who goes blank when clients put forth expectations from a spa treatment like this!
Birthday Celebration In Spa
We have gift vouchers in our spa and we suggest them for gifting purpose. Actually, I feel spa vouchers are one of the best gifting options, then clothes, accessories because spa treatment is soothing and serene. So, several clients have gifted their partners, wives these gift vouchers. But with gift vouchers they want us to decorate the spa with balloons and glitters. Additionally, they also want us to surprise their loved ones with greeting cards and flowers. Undertaking all this for just an hour is really not feasible for any establishment no matter if the client is paying more. Because they don’t realise that we have to clean the aftermath, which is definitely a scary task to undertake. I really feel amused when people come up with silly expectations from a spa treatment.
Well, these are some of my experiences, but if you have any funny incidents to share, then feel free to comment!
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