I have been working as a freelance content writer for almost 5 years now. Amidst that, I realized that working from home, balancing your household chores, keeping up tight deadlines can be a hurricane task. Sometimes, I really feel like switching back to full-time employment than taking up freelancing job because benefits are many! However, along the time I have found ways to become more productive and lucrative in my freelancing job.
Maintain A Schedule
People choose freelancing job because its flexible and literally adds to your comfort. But that doesn’t mean that you work at any hours. There was a time when I would literally stay awake till wee hours, completing tasks, which eventually took a toll on my health. Consequently, I started maintaining a schedule of the work to be undertaken and it made my life easy.
Avoid Distraction
Believe me, social media, mobile phone, Netflix, Amazon Prime, HotStar are the biggest distraction. They kill your productivity and has a disastrous effect on your working schedule. Even TV, music, pets, neighbours are a big NO-NO when you are working. Practice professionalism in your freelancing job, no matter what!
Minimise Multitasking
Don’t try to multitask because that will give you loss and frustration alone. This specially applies for housewives who want to juggle their household chore as well as professional tasks. And once your attention is divided, then it leads to confusion, indecisiveness and too many mistakes. So, its better to stick to just one task at one time.
Dedicate Room for Office-work
Though, a freelancing job, yet I have dedicated one room for my working hours to get that ‘professional’ feel. That room has a printer, computer table, wireless keyboard, mouse which bears the look of an office cubicle. In fact, I have friends who have put up inspiring posters, book shelves, just to boost concentration and yield maximum productivity.
Keep Moving
Freelancing job literally means ‘warming your seat’. We sit for hours together without food, water just to complete our tight deadlines. We don’t realise that sitting all day can have far-reaching effects on our body. Additionally, we do not follow ergonomics nor do we have a place constraint because of which we slouch on the sofa or sit on the bed awkwardly – leading to body pain. Instead, try and have a sturdy office chair that will give you comfort. Also, take breaks to move around in the house. This will decrease the stress on mind and body, helping you enormously while undertaking your freelancing job.
Pamper Yourself
I work odd hours, balance my personal and professional life, so I love to pamper myself. Whenever my project concludes, I make sure to pamper myself with outing, party or even clothing and accessories. In fact, gifting yourself, can boost motivation and productivity to do better with each project.
Regular Brainstorming
Brainstorming is one of the most crucial encouragement to excel in your work! Entrepreneurs should brainstorm regularly to churn ideas for the affluence of business. And while doing this, maintain a diary and jot down everything that comes across your mind about your business and its future. With this, you’ll know where you are heading and you’ll find ways for prosperity.
So, these points are my mantra to success. Along with this, conduct marketing about your freelancing job with visiting cards, active social media handles, wherein people will know about your work. Most importantly, indulge into good habits and success will definitely knock your door!